Cibolo, Texas

Graduation is a major event in anyone's life. A person completes a phase of life and enters another. There are of course many who opt for further studies but graduation is like a milestone in people's lives, a reference point sometimes life is measured against.


But what if your whole family is getting a degree when you are. We are not talking about siblings or cousins but you and your parents. Ashley Adams from Texas will experience such a moment on Saturday (May 13).

Ashley will get a degree while her parents Robyn and Greg get theirs. Ashley will herself graduate will Education major from Texas Lutheran University (TLU). Her mom Robyn is an Master of Accountancy major. Her father Greg, a US Army veteran with a 22-year service is a Business major.

TLU said on its website that this was the first time the university's history that a student will graduate with both of her parents.  


“This is my fun fact when I meet people,” said Ashley. “Who else can say that they went to college with both of their parents and will be walking the stage with them? My parents didn’t get to finish their education because they wanted to start a family and there were better opportunities at the time to obtain that goal. I remember how proud I was when they decided to go back to school at a local community college.”

She was quoted by TLU in a news release.

Her parents were attending a community college and thought of transferring to TLU with their daughter. They asked her if that would be ok. Ashley was all on board with the decision.


“The students were so accepting of us, and everyone was always so welcoming,” said Robyn 

“The faculty, like Professor Sally Cook, genuinely care about you and want to know you as a person rather than a number in their classroom. We’ve had so many things happen during our time here and they have been so wonderful. From losing both of Greg’s parents to having our son get in a really bad car wreck during finals, they always told us to take care of our family first and we could figure school out later.”

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