New Delhi

December 21st coincides with the winter solstice. What better day to dedicate to the science of spirituality than the winter solstice or the Uttarayan kaal as it is called in the Vedic culture - when the Devlok (dimension of Gods) wakes up and the auspicious period begins? 


It is a very positive step steered by India at the United Nations to recognise the magnanimous power and potential of this science for the world to benefit from it.

Bhishma pita maha waited for this muhurat to leave his body to ensure his entry into a higher dimension for the onward journey.

Start your journey today.


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There are three states to the mind, which the modern sciences acknowledge - the conscious, the unconscious and the subconscious state. The fourth state, which modern science does not acknowledge, is the superconscious state or the turaiya state.

Vedic rishis had experiences of the subtler dimensions and, mantras and images of the various devs and devis (divine energies) were visible to them. Not just visible, but with their help they were able to manifest in the physical world (which I call the unreal) various weaponry, health to the diseased, physical attributes, wealth etc. This was the state of Dhyan which they were in, the Turkish state, and hence were able to do all this. 


In dhyana, there is no pratyaya (an object of focus). There is poorna, or you may call it shoonya. The five senses are at rest and made to rest. You don't focus on anything. You are there but you are everywhere, yet you are nowhere. You let go, depending on your karma, divinity takes over you and the Guru guides you into the higher realms and reality, siddhis are a byproduct.

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When you do dhyan practices like Sanatan Kriya as prescribed, over some time you can still the senses, and as a result, higher senses awaken.

The demonstration of clairvoyance by Sanatan Kriya practitioners in front of a live audience of doctors of the Indian Medical Association (Mumbai) is an example of the same.

Dhyan can only be done with a Guru as the purpose of Dhyan is to take you towards reality, and only someone who has the experience of reality can steer you there.

It cannot be bought, it has to be earned by the grace of Guru - there is no scope for a commercial transaction in this process or relationship.

Very minuscule people reach dhyan but those who do can access the dimensions of higher pleasures, attain the gyan of Vedas without reading and exude that glow, radiance and youth which is described in our shastras. 

Disclaimer: The views of the writer do not represent the views of WION or ZMCL. Nor does WION or ZMCL endorse the views of the writer.