New Delhi, India
Some 200 members of Afghan special forces, who were trained and funded by the UK, are facing imminent deportation to their Taliban-controlled homeland.
Citing information gathered by a network of Afghan veterans, BBC News reports that when the Taliban took over, these soldiers sought refuge in Pakistan. However, now they face expulsion as Pakistan intends to deport Afghan refugees.
A betrayal
Calling the United Kingdom's failure to relocate these special forces personnel a "betrayal" and a "disgrace," General Sir Richard Barrons told BBC Newsnight that it "is a disgrace because it reflects that either we're duplicitous as a nation or incompetent".
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The General, who served the British Army in Afghanistan for over 12 years, said "Neither are acceptable."
"It is a betrayal, and the cost of that betrayal will be people who served with us will die or spend their lives in prison," he added.
Words vs Actions
Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson had previously acknowledged the importance of the service provided by these Afghan special forces, pledging to do "whatever we can" to ensure their "safe passage." However, the current situation paints a startlingly different picture.
As per the report, it was recently revealed that the UK government has rejected calls from British diplomatic and military figures to offer asylum to key figures of the Afghan civilian movement.
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The BBC reported that it has obtained a private letter, sent in March 2022 to the Foreign Office. The letter urged urgent assistance for a group of 32 former governors, prosecutors, and officials who worked with the UK and US in Helmand Province between 2006 and 2014.
Despite applying through the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Programme (ARAP), which was meant for those closely associated with the UK government, many of these officials were rejected or are still awaiting decisions after more than a year.
Gen Sir Richard Barrons said: "I'm personally ashamed because I feel very deeply that we made an obligation to them and we have not fulfilled it."
"It's beyond absurd to say they don't qualify and that they should be left behind to a fate at the hands of the Taliban."
(With inputs from agencies)