New Delhi

Cats are famous for acting like the master race of pets. A dog will shower you with affection, be ready to play and generally be a sunshine presence in your house.


Not cats!

They move past you without a single look, can be finicky about literally anything and will demand food like it's your duty to treat them royally.

Well now it has come to light that the coronavirus pandemic may have made cats more affectionate. If you have a cat and all you can think right now is 'No way', you may be forgiven. But a survey carried out by researchers from universities of York and Lincoln in the UK have found that cats may finally have decided to treat humans just a bit better than mere mortals.


The researchers surveyed 5323 people with a companion animal. These people had pets ranging from horses, reptiles, birds, fish and ofcourse cats and dogs.

Over 65 per cent of the respondents noticed change in their pets' behaviour in the first half of 2020.

Many of them who owned cats and dogs said that their pets tended to follow them more during the lockdowns.


Imagine a cat affectionately following its owner!

Many of the respondents said that behaviour of dogs showed a negative trait. Dogs of such respondents became needier even clingy while the pet owners spent more time indoors during lockdowns. These dogs howled when the owners stepped out for just a couple minutes. As per the respondents, such a behaviour was not shown by them before the pandemic.

But the most amusing thing to come out of this survey is change in behaviour of cats.

There is hope still, it seems