Tehran, Iran

Iranian state media reported on Friday said that Tehran's naval flotilla briefly seized two American military unmanned research vessels in the Red Sea.


While carrying out a counter-terrorism mission, the Iranian navy's "Jamaran destroyer encountered several American military unmanned research vessels on the international shipping route".

Issuing a justification, Iran's state broadcaster said "After securing the passage of international shipping, the flotilla released the two vessels in a safe area."

After a US Navy patrol boat and helicopter were deployed to the location, the American military drone vessel was released, according to the Pentagon.


The seven-metre (23-foot) Saildrone Explorer unmanned surface vessel was towed by a support ship from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy as per the US Central Command.

Citing a statement by the navy, the state news agency IRNA reported that had foiled a pirate attack on an Iranian merchant vessel in the area.


Adding that the invading boat "left the area" after the escort flotilla, it said a squadron had come into confrontation with the "pirates in the Red Sea".

Following a help request by an Iranian ship in the Red Sea, the same flotilla had thwarted an overnight attack on another vessel belonging to the Islamic republic as per Rear Admiral Mustafa Tajeddini.

The incident comes as the US and Iran are trying to revive a nuclear deal from which former President Donald Trump had withdrawn in 2018.

Although Western nations and international inspectors say Tehran had a military nuclear programme up until 2003, Iran has maintained its programme is peaceful.

After a wave of attacks by Somalia-based pirates between 2000 and 2011, Iran stepped up its naval presence in the Gulf of Aden as it is dependent on the shipping lane through the Red Sea and Suez Canal.

(With inputs from agencies)

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