New Delhi, India
Frank Hoogerbeat is a Dutch researcher at Solar System Geometry Survey. In the past, he predicted the deadly earthquakes in Turkey and Syria based on planetary positions. Recently, he predicted the earthquake in Delhi-NCR on March 21 in the latest prediction video on SSGEOS's YouTube channel posted on March 20.
In the video 'Planetary & Seismic Update March 20 2023,' Frank Hoogerbeets suggested "some seismic increase, more likely around March 22" as he observed a primary lunar peak followed by planetary conjunction after the New Moon on March 21. His forecast of earthquakes in India was correct. People around the globe are surprised to know the accuracy of Hoogerbeets' earthquake predictions.
Here's everything you need to know about Geologist Frank Hoogerbeets and his predictions.
Frank Hoogerbeets Predictions
Frank Hoogerbeets predicted the upcoming earthquakes in the recent videos on SSGEOS's YouTube channel. He estimated 'strong to major' seismic activity of 7.1 magnitude on March 16 in the Kermadec Islands and a 6.8 magnitude earthquake near the coast of Ecuador on March 18. Both his predictions were accurate. Furthermore, he explained he based his predictions on the analysis of the planetary geometry and pointing to lunar (red) heights in the SSGI graph. According to him, the planetary conjunction of Sun-Mercury-Jupiter converged with New Moon on March 21. Thus, he anticipated a 'mid-6 magnitude range' earthquake on March 22.
Frank Hoogerbeets consistently uploads YouTube videos and Twitter posts with seismic updates on SSGEOS's social media handles. In the recent video titled 'NOT EVERY FULL MOON IS THE SAME,' he briefs the viewers about the correlation between the full moon and planetary positions with earthquakes.
SSGEOS' Solar System Geometry Index
Frank Hoogerbeets works for SSGEOS, the Netherlands-based research institute. It has crucially contributed to 'seismic activity predictions' by launching pivotal software Solpage and SSGI. Frank Hoogerbeets contends that planetary alignment can foretell earthquakes. The Solar System Geometry Index (SSGI) is a dataset computation based on values provided by particular geometric planetary positions, the Moon and the Sun.
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