New Delhi, India

There have been talks of the film ‘Pieces Of A Woman’ being an Oscar contender with acting nods for leading actors Vanessa Kirby and Shia LaBeouf and we tell you reasons for why everyone thinks like this and rightly so. Released on Netflix on January 8, ‘Pieces Of A Woman’ is equal parts moving and thought-triggering as it deals with the intricacies of a married couple’s relationship after they lose a newborn child. 


The film starts with an intense childbirth that will need you to sit with a box of tissues as Vanessa Kirby (Martha), the pregnant woman goes through labour with the support of her husband Shia LaBeouf (Sean) at their home. The director Kornel Mundruczo makes the couple’s home their sanctuary and it drives the film from there with passion and grief. Almost half an hour long, the childbirth sequence will make you go through highs and lows like you’ve not experienced in the recent while watching a film. Vanessa is excellent as a pregnant woman who has given an Oscar-worthy performance and the role is quite a shift from her last outing as Princess Margaret in Netflix’s ‘The Crown’. It shows her range and we can’t wait to see more from her.

Shia LaBeouf is fabulous on screen as the husband who is supportive and affectionate to start with and then goes through a tumultuous range of emotions having lost his newborn child within seconds of her coming into the world. It could have been a performance that would earn him a mention in the awards cycle for this year but committees would ignore him considering he’s been charged with ‘abuse’ allegations by ex girlfriend and incidentally as Sean, he abuses his wife Martha in the film too as she goes through a mournful period of coping with trauma of losing one’s child. 


Another actor worth mentioning is Ellen Burstyn who plays Martha’s Holocaust survivor mother who is bitchy to Sean but a solid support system for Martha only a rather dominant one.

The film ‘Pieces Of A Woman’ on the whole is about trauma and coping with it, only more complex as it revolves around the most complicated being on the planet -- humans.