Washington, United States of America
A small twin-engine passenger plane crashed in Texas in the United States on Sunday, killing 10 people, officials said.
"The Dallas County Medical Examiner has confirmed 10 fatalities and no survivors," a spokeswoman for the town of Addison, Texas told AFP.
The National Transportation Safety Board tweeted that it had dispatched a team to Addison to investigate the crash of a King Air 350 -- a twin-engine turboprop passenger plane.
It did not provide further details on the crash or its cause.
Video broadcast by US media showed a massive column of black smoke pouring out of a building at the airport, as firefighters directed streams of water toward the blaze.
CNN reported that the aircraft was a private plane and that it crashed into a hanger at a local airport.
CBS News quoted sources as saying the aircraft lost an engine on takeoff and veered into the hanger.