Washington DC, United States

The United States is polling in the presidential elections of 2024 on November 5. The president of the United States serves as the head of state and head of government. He is elected for a four-year term through the Electoral College. He leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces


The office was first established in 1789, with George Washington serving as the first president of the United States after winning a unanimous vote of the Electoral College. 

The country has had 46 presidents till now, with 45 men serving in the position. This is because one of them served two non-consecutive terms and is counted twice. Grover Cleveland is counted as the 22nd and 24th president of the United States, first serving from 1885 to 1889 and then again from 1893 to 1897. 

The record of the longest presidential term belongs to Franklin D Roosevelt who was president for over twelve years. He died during the initial days of his fourth term in 1945. This was before the Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1951 which barred anyone from serving as president for more than two terms.


Also Read: The youngest US president was also the first American to win a Nobel Prize

Roosevelt is the only US president to have served more than two terms.

Four US presidents passed away while in office of natural causes – William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G Harding, and Franklin D Roosevelt. 


Four of them were assassinated - Abraham Lincoln, James A Garfield, William McKinley, and John F Kennedy. 

Richard Nixon is the only one to have resigned as he faced impeachment and removal from office over the Watergate scandal.

Below is the list of all the US presidents:

1    George Washington        1789–97

2    John Adams                    1797–1801

3    Thomas Jefferson           1801–09

4    James Madison               1809–17

5    James Monroe                 1817–25

6    John Quincy Adams        1825–29

7    Andrew Jackson              1829–37

8    Martin Van Buren             1837–41

9    William Henry Harrison    1841*

10    John Tyler                      1841–45

11    James K. Polk                1845–49

12    Zachary Taylor               1849–50*

13    Millard Fillmore              1850–53

14    Franklin Pierce               1853–57

15    James Buchanan           1857–61

16    Abraham Lincoln            1861–65*

17    Andrew Johnson            1865–69

18    Ulysses S. Grant            1869–77

19    Rutherford B. Hayes       1877–81

20    James A. Garfield            1881*

21    Chester A. Arthur            1881–85

22    Grover Cleveland           1885–89

23    Benjamin Harrison         1889–93

24    Grover Cleveland           1893–97

25    William McKinley            1897–1901*

26    Theodore Roosevelt       1901–09

27    William Howard Taft        1909–13

28    Woodrow Wilson             1913–21

29    Warren G. Harding         1921–23*

30    Calvin Coolidge              1923–29

31    Herbert Hoover              1929–33

32    Franklin D. Roosevelt     1933–45*

33    Harry S. Truman             1945–53

34    Dwight D. Eisenhower    1953–61

35    John F. Kennedy             1961–63*

36    Lyndon B. Johnson        1963–69

37    Richard M. Nixon          1969–74**

38    Gerald R. Ford            1974–77

39    Jimmy Carter             1977–81

40    Ronald Reagan         1981–89

41    George Bush            1989–93

42    Bill Clinton              1993–2001

43    George W. Bush     2001–09

44    Barack Obama       2009–17

45    Donald Trump      2017–21

46    Joe Biden    Pennsylvania  2021–