A horrible house fire early on Christmas morning claimed the lives of three members of a Pennsylvania family of five, including two children.


After Christmas tree lights malfunctioned and caused the fire, Eric and Kristin King's home in Quakertown, in the southeastern section of the state, caught fire while the family slept.

The house was completely damaged. According to the Bucks County Coroner, two of the children, Liam, 11, and Patrick, 8, were dead, along with their father, Eric, 41, and his two dogs.

Kristin and her 13-year-old son Brady were both able to make it out alive.


At one point, firefighters were able to reach inside the house at one point, but the fierce flames pushed them back.

Officials say firefighters tried multiple times to reach the trapped victims inside the house but were unable to do so.

Kristin and her son, Brady, were able to flee through the back door of the house.


The fire also damaged the family home next door, but luckily, a family of four was able to escape unharmed.

Within hours of the fire, a GoFundMe page put up to aid Kristin and Brady had raised over $400,000.

(With inputs from agencies)