New Delhi, India

Major Siddharth Chatterjee, Sena Medal(Retd) served under my command in Sri Lanka from 1987 to 1990, has recently been appointed as the United Nations Resident Coordinator to Kenya. Major Chatterjee was a decorated and highly valued member of my team, who served with honor, distinction and epitomized the credo of the Indian Army, “service before self”.


Recently an utterly unprofessional and garden-variety blogger, called Matthew Russell Lee, who runs a blog out of the UN in New York, has hurled scurrilous, unfounded and mendacious accusations of human rights violations against Major Chatterjee. Major Chatterjee was a star member of my battalion, the 10th Para Special Forces, and at no time was my battalion or any member of my unit ever involved in any form of human rights violation. 

I state this unequivocally. 

My battalion was part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force that was invited to Sri Lanka by the Government of Sri Lanka to uphold the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord signed between our late Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and the late President of Sri Lanka Mr. Jayawardane in 1987.


My battalion took tremendous losses of dead and wounded officers and men to ensure the peace in Sri Lanka, a difficult task we had to wage, particularly, with “one arm tied behind our backs”.

Major Chatterjee’s qualities as a soldier are beyond reproach and he was an example of an officer and a gentleman.

To attack the UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, using Major Chatterjee’s  service in Sri Lanka, is not only absurd but deserves to be condemned in the strongest possible terms. I am appalled at the impunity and utter disregard Mr. Lee has demonstrated to malign reputations. This is an example of yellow journalism and clearly there seem to be no editorial checks. I would sincerely suggest that Mr. Lee also undertakes a thorough mental health check. 


I have noted that he seems to be obsessed with Major Chatterjee since 2007 when his father in law Mr. Ban became the UN Secretary General.

It is important to be reminded that, Chatterjee joined the United Nations system in January 1997, 10 years before Mr. Ban was elected for the position of Secretary General. His quick rise in the UN from 1997 to 2004, starting as an International Field Service Officer of Limited Duration (level 4) and reaching to a professional level (P-5) by 2004, is a testimony to his professionalism. It shows his ability to adapt and serve in adverse conditions and deliver results. Mr. Ban was not around as the UN Secretary General then.

This article by Forbes magazine, a reputable and trustworthy news source, sets the record straight, “Misread Nepotism At The U.N.: Why Siddharth Chatterjee's Well-Earned Appointment Requires Explanation”  and I would encourage Mr. Lee to read it and also publish it on his website.

I and every retired and existing members of the 10th Para Special Forces battalion are proud of Major Chatterjee’s many achievements and wish him, “God Speed and Happy Landings” in his new role as the UN’s leader in Kenya.