New Delhi

The Shahid Beheshti port of Chabahar in Iran built by India has handled 12 lakh tons of cargo and 8200 containers since December 2018, the ministry of external affairs has told the Indian parliament. It was in the year 2018, an Indian company--India ports Global which had taken over the operations of the port. 


The port has played a key role in connecting India with Afghanistan. So far, in this financial year starting April 2020, India has sent 53,000 tons of wheat to Afghanistan. 

The country is sending 75,000 tons of wheat to Afghanistan as part of its COVID-19 support and eight consignments have already been shipped via Chabahar.

The MEA said in a written response to the Parliament that,"In the recent past, there has been a rise in transit cargo for Afghanistan through Chabahar...Afghanistan’s exports to India are also routed via Chabahar Port"


India, as part of a trilateral agreement with Tehran and Kabul, signed during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 2016 Iran visit started developing the first phase of the Shahid Beheshti port in Chabahar.

Meanwhile, New Delhi has affirmed that it continues to be part of Chabahar-Zahedan railway line, that connects the Iran port to the border town of Zahedan on Iran Afghanistan border. The line will further connect India with Afghanistan. 

MEA, in another response to another question in the Indian parliament, said, "The two sides remain engaged on this matter....India and Iran continue to cooperate on developmental projects in Iran, including the Chabahar-Zahedan railway line."


The development of the railway line was also agreed during Indian PM's Iran visit with an MoU being signed between Indian Railways’ IRCON and Iranian Railways’ CDTIC --Construction & Development of Transportation Infrastructures Company.