New Delhi

Parenthood is a blessing and a happy experience for a couple. But giving birth to a child is a months-long process that takes a lot of efforts on part of the mother and father. Physical effect of childbirth on the mother is something that is well studied. But a new reserach shows that childbirth has physical effect on fathers as well. 


Birth of first child leads to shrinkage in father's brain!

A new study analysed MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) data from 40 heterosexual first-time fathers. Half of these men were based in Spain while the other half hailed from the US.

The Spanish men participated in brain scans before their partners were pregnant and then again a few months after their child's birth. American men participated in these scans during mid-to-late stages of their partners' pregnancies.


It was found that birth of their first child caused a percent or two of brain shrinkage. The shrinkage mainly took place in the area of the brain called 'default mode network'. This area is associated with parental acceptance and warmth.

Brain shrinkage may sound scary at first, but the study has found that it does not have any effect on cognitive capabilities. In fact, the changes in the brain make the man better prepared for fatherhood.

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