Brasília, Brazil

Disclaimer: Some readers may find the story disturbing. Discretion is advised.


In a shocking act, a teenage boy filmed himself tossing many puppies alive in a furnace. The sickening act of animal cruelty took place in Brazil. 

According to a report published in the Daily Mail, the unidentified 14-year-old boy made a video in which he opened the door and came near a flaming furnace. 

Then, he reached out to his bag and took out the small puppies. In the heart wrenching video, the boy is seen counting at least seven puppies and throwing them one by one into the fire amid the screams of the animals.


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As per the report, the teen sent the video to his friends on WhatsApp. The incident took place in Vidal Ramos city in the southern Brazilian state of Santa Catarina.

Police investigate killing of puppies


On October 17, the footage of the incident went viral and came to the attention of the Santa Catarina Police and a unit was dispatched to the home of the teenager. 

"The father was working at the time the police arrived at the scene," said police captain Armo Senem, while speaking to CNN Brasil. 

"As the video was from an earlier date, there was no evidence of the incident, but a report was filed to the Civil Police," he added. 

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Senem said that it is not known if the teenager made the decision to kill the puppies on his own or whether someone else had influenced him. 

Since the boy is a minor, he cannot be arrested and charged by the authorities. 

However, since the boy is between the age of 12 and 18, the police said can be held responsible for his actions and get subjected to socio-educational measures as per the Child and Adolescent Statute.

(With inputs from agencies)