Delhi, India

Did you know that leading a sedentary or inactive lifestyle is the fourth leading cause of avoidable death and is as harmful as smoking, according to World Health Organisation. In the past, several studies have suggested that people who do not indulge in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity in a week are at a higher risk of developing harmful cardiac diseases that can lead to early death. So, if you have been a couch potato for long, we suggest that you take some time out to introspect and make some positive lifestyle changes to live a healthy and happy life. 


According to doctors and medical experts, there're both non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors that lead to cardiac diseases. While we have no control over the non-modifiable risk factors, we can try and manage modifiable risk factors by making some lifestyle changes. And, this article will help you do exactly that!

Smoking, drinking alcohol and not exercising regularly or living a sedentary lifestyle can result in the development of chronic cardiac diseases over a period of time. So, the first step to living a healthy life is to quit smoking and kickstart your sobriety journey. The next step is to give up the sedentary lifestyle and focus on including some form of exercise in your daily routine. Other than that you can also regulate your diet and reduce cholesterol intake. 



Speaking to WION, Dr Ajit Menon, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, said, "If you look at lifestyle diseases, especially in the cardiovascular arena, heart disease or ischemic heart disease is one of the many health issues caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. We also see a major increase in heart diseases among youngsters due to their dietary habits, lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption."


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Also read: Weight exercise can lower risk of premature death: Study

Now, you must be thinking about the solutions to these lifestyle problems. Well, keep scrolling because we have some expert tips for all the couch potatoes!

By making small yet effective lifestyle changes, you can overcome the risks of developing several cardiac diseases. Here's a list!

  • Stand in public transport instead of finding a place to sit
  • Instead of taking your car out for small distances, try to walk
  • Walk while talking on the phone
  • Set reminders to stand up after every few hours when working at a desk
  • Invest in a standing desk or ask your boss to provide one
  • Spend more time doing chores around the house
  • Instead of watching television or playing video games, try out outdoor activities
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Do 45-minute sessions of yoga twice a week