New Delhi

Written by Ishit Saurabh Pilani


Artificial sweeteners are sugar substitutes that are derived from naturally occurring substances, such as a plant, herb or sugar itself. Artificial sweeteners are intense sweeteners and therefore are required in a lesser amount than sugar. 

Artificial sweeteners are used in processed foods. These include soft drinks and other beverages, baked goods, candy, puddings and yoghurts, canned foods and sweet spreads like jam. One of the most commonly known artificial sweeteners is Aspartame. 

Aspartame has been in the news lately because of a recent report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization's (WHO) cancer research arm. The report suggests that aspartame is set to be declared a possible carcinogen next month. 


In light of these recent developments, it is important to know how aspartame affects our life. Here are 5 common products that have aspartame.

1. Diet Soda: Diet sodas, such as Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, and Coke Zero, contain aspartame as a sugar substitute.

2. Sugar-Free Gum: Aspartame is commonly found in sugar-free chewing gums like Trident, Orbit, and Extra.


3. Low-Calorie Yogurt: Certain low-calorie or "light" yoghurt brands may use aspartame as a sweetener. Always check the ingredient list to determine if aspartame is included.

4. Sugar-Free Pudding: Some sugar-free pudding mixes may contain aspartame to provide sweetness without the use of sugar.

5. Sugar-Free Jellies and Syrups: Certain sugar-free jellies, jams, and syrups, used as toppings or fillings, may use aspartame as a sugar substitute.

Aspartame can be found in various other products labelled as "sugar-free" or "diet." It's always a good practice to read the ingredient list or look for labels indicating the presence of aspartame if you are trying to avoid it or have specific dietary requirements. It is important to note that individual responses to aspartame may vary. However, in today's day and age, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Try to avoid consuming food with artificial sweeteners. Instead, eat healthy and fresh. There are ready-to-eat healthy meals also available which are convenient and quick. 

The larger question here is should we just believe in what the bigger food lobbyists make us believe? They have the money to influence. Research is always sponsored. 

Cross-check your research from multiple references. Know who has sponsored the research. It matters. Concentrate on your health and know what is good for you. Anything which is artificial or made with chemicals can’t be good for health. Read the labels and ask the right questions. Understand what you are eating. Don’t fall for marketing gimmicks. Besides this, read the details of the ingredients before buying a product. You are what you eat so eat fresh and natural produce. 

This report with aspartame also sheds light on the accountability of large food corporations and government agencies. While the consumer needs to do due diligence, a share of the responsibility also falls on the manufacturers and authorities to have stricter codes of conduct in place.

- The author is the co-founder of Organic Foods


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