After the 2020 census showed the population of one-person town had grown in Nebraska, the only resident was left surprised.
According to the US Census Bureau, a new person lived in the town of Monowi, Nebraska. The only resident, Elsie Eiler, was left wondering about the identity of the other resident.
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Eiler said, "Well, then someone's been hiding from me, and there's nowhere to live but my house. But if you find out who he is, let me know?"
The name of the other resident is Noise. But he is not real. He was created by an algorithm in order to protect Eiler's personal information, said Census Bureau.
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"What you're seeing there is the noise we add to the data so you can't figure out who is living there. It protects the privacy of the respondent and the confidentiality of the data they provide," said a census spokeswoman, as per the Omaha News-Herald report.
In certain situations, the bureau also shifts respondents from one census block to another. Although it may get confusing at the local level as when a town only has one resident, the numbers remain accurate at the congressional district level.