Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark Cards, established Friendship Day in 1930. Every year on August 2nd, he planned to celebrate Friendship Day. People were upset because they thought Hall had discovered a way to sell more greeting cards in the name of "Friendship Day." This notion quickly faded from people's minds. On July 30, 1958, this concept resurfaced in the minds of an international organization called World Friendship Crusade. On July 20, 1958, Dr. Ramon Artemio Bracho had the idea of celebrating Friendship Day worldwide. Later, in 1998, the then-General-Secretary of the United Nations, Kofi Annan's wife, Mrs. Nane Annan, named Winnie the Pooh the world's Ambassador of Friendship at the United Nations. Finally, on April 27th, the United Nations General Assembly declared the 30th of July to be an official International Friendship Day. Furthermore, the assembly urged people to observe this day in accordance with their traditions and customs. 


Know about the Significance of Friendship Day

This day commemorates the friendship between two or more people and brings this special bond together across geographies, gender, religion, and other differences. The United Nations also encourages governments and civil organisations to foster and promote social harmony among people so that truth and peace can prevail and there is more love and less hatred among people, allowing humanity to triumph. 

Friendship Day is observed every year on the first Sunday of August in India


Friendship Day is observed on various dates throughout the world. In India, it is always observed on the first Sunday of August each year. To commemorate this day, people, mostly children, tie friendship bands around the wrists of their friends. This is interpreted as a promise to be best friends. This day was first designated as International Friendship Day in Paraguay in 1958. However, it is widely assumed that Joyce Hall's idea of a friendship day celebration was to make money by selling greeting cards to their friends to commemorate friendship day.

Interesting Facts About Friendship Day

1: Although it was unpopular in the United States and Europe to honor friendship, several Asian countries, including India, China, and Malaysia, began celebrating Friendship Day in the 1950s by exchanging gifts with their friends. 


2: In the United States, The first Sunday in August was thought to be the origin of Friendship Day in 1935. Congress's decision to have a day to honour friends emphasised its significance.

3: The third Sunday in September is designated as Women's Friendship Day.

4: The friendship between Lord Krishna and Arjun is beautifully depicted in the famous Hindu epic "The Mahabharata." The Islamic religion has always placed a high value on the concepts of friendship and camaraderie.