The outgoing US President of the US, Donald Trump, was not the best President in history, but he is often hailed for his entrepreneurship skills. However, turns out he has had his share of flops there too. Here are the top 5 ventures that Trump failed to save
Crashed venture
Trump took a $245 million loan in 1988 to have 'Trump'-printed aircrafts in the sky on the Eastern Air Shuttle route. The aircrafts had gold bathroom fixtures and flew between New York, Boston and Washington, D.C.
However, the airlines crashed so bad that the organisation was not even able to generate enough to pay the $1 million monthly interest payment of the loan. Two years after the takeoff, Trump defaulted and surrendered the ownership.
Trump Vodka, a part of Trump beverages, was also one of Donald Trump's lesser-kn own and failed business ventures. In addition to the vodka, the beverage line also featured Trump Ice — a bottled water line. He tried to launch a product called Trump Fire, following his famous Apprentice catchphrase. However, the product was never confirmed or launched, although the name was trademarked.
Gamer's retreat?
In 1988, Donald Trump decided to team up with Milton Bradley to launch his own series of game called 'Trump: The Game'. The venture, which Trump assumed to be a hit, crashed and sold only 800,000 copies in totality. Trump claimed the game might have been "too complicated" for people to understand.
Overcooked expectations
There was a time when Trump filed for bankruptcy for his Atlantic City properties, and the court pointed out that Trump owed Georgia company Buckhead Beef an amount nearly equivalent to $715,240. AT that time, Trump decided to sell Buckhead Beef, which resulted to zero sales, as confirmed by the steak company's CEO.
Top of the class
Ironically, Trump, who is not known for his academic skills, opened a university called Trump University, which was (in)famous for being a rich kids' place. The students paid nearly $34,995 for mentorship sessions delivered by motivational speakers, who were mostly without any degrees, but possessed criminal records.