Expats recently rated countries based on environment, and policy surrounding its protection. Conducted by InterNations, an expat-based resource website, it took into account 15,000 people who left their countries of birth.
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Expats recently rated countries based on environment, and policy surrounding its protection. Conducted by InterNations, an expat-based resource website, it took into account 15,000 people who left their countries of birth.
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98 per cent expats in Finland perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 95 per cent were happy with the air quality.
95 per cent expats in Sweden perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 88 per cent were happy with the availability of environment friendly goods.
93 per cent expats in Norway perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 89 per cent felt that the government takes climate change seriously.
97 per cent expats in Austria perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 91 per cent were happy with the country’s waste management efforts.
83 per cent expats in Switzerland perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 91 per cent were happy with the air quality.
It is one of only a few countries in the world, which do not have an Independence Day. Denmark instead celebrates Constitution Day on June 5. On the day, Danish Constitution was signed.
96 per cent expats in NZ perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 85 per cent expressed claimed the government takes climate change seriously.
90 per cent expats in Germany perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 86 per cent expressed satisfaction with the availability of environment friendly goods and services.
96 per cent expats in Canada perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 71 per cent claimed the Canadian population is interested in environment.
92 per cent expats in Luxembourg perceive the overall natural environment positively, while 78 per cent expressed satisfaction with the air quality.
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