Florida, United States

Florida is notorious for strange happenings, from fearless residents battling gators to wacky plans of "shooting down" hurricanes, the internet is full of at times unbelievable stories from the US state. Now, a mysterious 80 feet object found at one of Florida's beaches is making news with people speculating whether it's a sunken ship or something sinister.


The large mysterious object has surfaced through the sands at Daytona Beach shores in Volusia County, and it is creating a buzz.

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Officials and beachgoers recently discovered the unknown object which may have been uncovered thanks to the two hurricanes that ripped through Florida recently; Hurricane Ian in September and Hurricane Nicole in November. A steady barrage of high tides and rough surf also played a role in the object's discovery.

Reportedly Hurricane Nicole was one of the most powerful storms to strike the United States in the past decade.

The mysterious object seems to be made of wood and metal and is a  whopping 80 feet long, said officials as per the New York Times. Typically interesting finds like these are roped off to protect them, however in this case, as high tides continue to submerge the object, roping it off is not an option.


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Kevin Captain, a spokesperson for the Volusia County government said that the state's underwater archaeological team has been notified to investigate the object further.

"It is a mystery," said Tamra Malphurs, a spokesperson for Volusia County Beach Safety. 

"Many people think it is an old ship of some sort," she added.

Talking to WKMG-TV she remarked "We haven't seen this kind of erosion in a very long time", adding that she's been a regular at the beach for about 25 years but that this is her first time seeing the object.

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Theories circulating on social media and local news channels have some suggestions about what it could be; a shipwreck, a portion of an old pier, a boardwalk, a barrier or maybe even audience seating from back when NASCAR had races on the beaches.

In the past, too all sorts of mysterious objects have emerged from the sands of Florida beaches.

Just last year, in August 2021 a high school student found a 1715 Fleet gold coin near Turtle trail beach. In November 2020, a shipwreck dating back 200-plus years was also discovered after Tropical Storm Sta eroded the sand dunes in St Augustine.

"Every now and then, something pops up, and usually, you can tell what it is," said Malphurs adding "This one, you just can’t confirm."

(With inputs from agencies)


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