New Delhi, India
Russia to open nuclear disarmament talks with US amid China cloud
Russia has confirmed that it will open talks with the US this month on extending a major nuclear disarmament treaty but warned that Washingtonâs insistence on including China could scuttle efforts.Read more
'Rest in power': George Floyd buried in Houston amid protests
African-American George Floyd was buried in Houston as politicians and celebrities joined in to pay tributes even as civil rights leader Al Sharpton said in anger that "we are fighting wickedness in high places". Read more
Now, WHO says COVID-19 spread by asymptomatic carriers 'major unknown'
After the World Health Organization(WHO) said that coronavirus transmission from asymptomatic carriers was "very rare", it clarified saying it was "referring to very few studies, some two or three". Read more
Britain's Prince Philip turns 99 in lockdown
Queen Elizabeth II's husband Prince Philip marks his 99th birthday on Wednesday, with the royal couple still in lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak. Read more