New Delhi

In a development that may raise eyebrows in Washington and New Delhi, Deputy National Security Advisors of 5 countries - Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Russia and China will be meeting in Kabul on June 10. The meet is devised to tackle regional challenges and development in Afghanistan. 


India and the US are not part of the meeting, even though they are key stakeholders when it comes to the development in landlocked South Asian countries. 

These are the number of processes currently underway to help stabilise Afghanistan including a Moscow-backed process which the US hasn't been keen to join. 

New Delhi has been Afghanistan's biggest supporter in the region. India, through its community development scheme since 2005, has supported over 550 projects throughout Afghanistan. Of these, around 345 projects have been completed while the remaining are in various stages of completion. 


The projects are aimed at building basic infrastructure such as schools, public health centres, bridges, roads for local communities. India is the largest donor to Afghanistan in the region and, since 2001 after the fall of the Taliban, has undertaken projects and programmes worth over $2 billion.