These 5 Countries got Most Foreign Aid from USA

The US spends billions of dollars every year in foreign aid. The data for 2021 is out, and here are the countries that received the most aid from the US.

1. Israel

Israel received $3.3 billion in US foreign aid in 2021 which was mainly for military purposes and maintaining its military prowess.

2. Jordan

Jordan was granted $1.6 billion in US foreign aid in 2021 to aid its economy and support Syrian refugees.

3. Afghanistan

Afghanistan, before the Taliban takeover, received $1.4 billion in US foreign aid in 2021 which was primarily for humanitarian necessities.

4. Ethiopia

Ethiopia was also one of the leading beneficiaries of US foreign aid in 2021 with $1.39 billion allocated for humanitarian and economic development.

5. Egypt

Egypt received $1.29 billion in US foreign aid in 2021 to promote stability, economic growth, and poverty reduction, contributing to job creation and poverty alleviation.