Tantrik Sex Coach Who Consults His Dog: 6 Bizzare Things About Argentina Prez-Elect

All images: AFP

Javier Milei, a former proclaimed tantric sex coach and an economist who calls his dogs the ‘best strategists in the world’ has got elected as Argentina’s next president. He has a nickname ‘El Loco’ meaning ‘the madman’. Here are six bizzare facts about 

Wants to Cut Public Spending, Even Took it Literally 

Javier Milei has championed cutting government’s public spending to zero and has appeared with a chainsaw in rallies. 

‘Talks’ to His Dogs 

He actually ‘talks’ to his dogs through a medium, who is a person claims to be capable of facilitating trans-species conversation.

Says Printing More Notes is Causing Inflation

Inflation in Argentina is sky high (above 100 per cent). Milei wants to close central bank so less notes are printed. 

Climate Change Due to Fossil Fuels? Nope. 

Milei has claimed that burning of fossil fuels does not lead to climate change. 

Chuck the Peso, Dollars are Nice 

Milei wants to dump Argentina’s currency peso and dollarise the economy. 

Close Ministries, including That for Women 

Milei wants to shut down some ministries. These include women’s welfare, science and education ministries and more.