Located in Spain, this cave painting is 35,600 years old and was discovered by Marcelino Sanz de Sautualo. Subjects of the cave painting includes ochre and charcoal images of handprints, bison and horses.
Located in Brazil, this cave painting is 23,000 years old and was discovered by The Clovis people. Subjects of the cave painting include scenes of hunting and rituals, animals, and trees.
Located in France, this cave painting is 17,000 years old and was discovered by Marcel Ravidat. Subjects of the cave painting includes deer, horses, and bulls.
Located in India, this cave painting is 13,000 years old and was discovered by archaeologist, Dr Vishnu Wakankar. Subjects of the cave painting include animals like riger, bison, wild boar, elephants, and peacocks.
Located in Somalia, this cave painting is 9000 years old and was discovered by a French archaeological team. Subjects of the cave painting include cows in ceremonial robes that are accompanied by a giraffe and domesticated dogs.
Located in Argentina, this cave painting is 7000 years old and was discovered by some European settlers. Subjects of the cave includes outlines of human hands.
Located in Bulgaria, this cave painting is 6300 years old and was discovered by the Bulgarian Council of Ministers. Subjects of the cave include silhouettes of women, males hunting and dancing, and people wearing masks.
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