According to the country's interpretation of Sharia law, homosexuality is illegal in Saudi Arabia and should be disciplined in the same way as adultery - with death by stoning.
Homosexuality in Iran is illegal and carries severe punishment under the country's penal code. Consensual same-sex sexual activities between men can be punished by death. However, the death penalty does not apply to women who are punished with lashings and fines.
Afghanistan criminalises same-sex sexual activity. After the Taliban took over in 2021, the legal situation of LGBT people remains uncertain and a strict interpretation of Sharia law is being implemented in the country, under which same-sex sexual activity is punishable by death.
The United Arab Emirates criminalises same-sex sexual activities. The gender expression of trans people is also criminalised in the country. Sentences for such offences include a fine and flogging. As per criminal provisions under the Sharia law, same-sex sexual activity is punishable by death.
Next on the list is Sudan, where three-time offenders under the country's sodomy law can be put to death. For first and second convictions, an individual can face flogging and imprisonment.
In Mauritania, Muslim men engaging in homosexual sex can be stoned to death, as per a 1984 law. However, women face prison time.
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