Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany had Europe in its grips and for a while it seemed allies were defeated. But Hitler made series of blunders that turned the tide. Here's a look at five of them.
War on one front is hard enough. Hitler's startegy to fight Anglo-French in west and Soviets in east eventually proved a costly mistake.
Hitler was master of Europe after French capitulation. And then he invaded Soviets. Unforgiving Russian winter and stiff Soviet resistance decimated his forces.
More than 100,000 British troops were pinned in French port of Dunkirk. Germans were in a position to eliminate the British. But Hitler didn't act quickly enough and the British escaped.
Hitler's friendship with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini proved burdensome to him. Valuable German military resources had to be sent to help ill-prepared Italian army
Hitler anticipated that allies would land in Calais and committed best German tanks and troops there. But allies landed in Normandy.
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