World Smile Day: 8 Interesting Facts About Smiling

First Expression

Smiling is the first expression we learn as humans. When babies are born, they can already smile.

Releases Endorphins

When you smile, endorphins are released into our brain. They act as natural painkillers and help improve our mood.

Different Types

There are 19 different types of smiles, and only six occur because of happiness. Other smiles include smiling from embarrassment, sadness, or a fake smile.

Can Be Contagious

Smiling can be contagious. If your friends are giggling, it's hard for you to stop smiling.

Children Smile More Than Adults

Some studies suggest that children laugh around 300 to 500 times a day, while adults only laugh around 17.5 times a day.

Universal Language

Although there are hundreds of languages spoken worldwide, you can communicate with anyone with a smile.

Improves Immune System

According to some studies, smiling and laughing can boost your immune system and overall health.

Animals Who Can Smile

Humans are not the only creatures on our planet who can smile. Apes, monkeys, and chimpanzees can smile too.