Top 10 Colleges in India 

Source: NIRF 2023 

Rank 9 

With 69.32 points in NIRF Ranking 2023, Lady Shri Ram College for Women in Delhi is ranked ninth in the list of top colleges in India.   

Rank 9 

Kirori Mal College in Delhi shares the honours with Lady Shri Ram College for Women and is also ranked ninth in the list of best colleges with 69.32 points. 

Rank 8 

Rama Krishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College in Kolkata, West Bengal was ranked eighth on the list with 69.53 points. 

Rank 7

Making its way into the top 10, Chennai’s Loyola College with 70.46 points is ranked seventh. 

Rank 6

Delhi’s Atma Ram Sanatan Dharm College with 70.78 points stood sixth. 

Rank 5

St Xavier’s College in Kolkata, West Bengal with 70.80 points stands fifth in the list of top colleges. 

Rank 4

PSGR Krishnammal College for Women in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu is the fourth top college in India with 71.05 points. 

Rank 3

With 71.18 points, Presidency College in Chennai, Tamil Nadu is listed in the top three colleges in India. 

Rank 2

Delhi’s Hindu College is ranked second in the top colleges list with 72.39 points. 

Rank 1

Miranda House in Delhi tops the list with 74.81 points.