National Statistics Day 2024

June 29th is celebrated annually as National Statistics Day to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, the father of Modern Statistics in India.

The Theme This Year

National Statistics Day will be observed on Saturday, June 29, under the theme, "Use of data for decision making".

Origin and Significance

In 2007, the Government of India designated the day to honour Mahalanobis' birth anniversary & recognize his extensive work in statistics & economic planning.


To raise public awareness about the importance of statistics in the socio-economic planning and policy-making of the nation.

National Statistics Day v/s World Statistics Day

World Statistics Day is celebrated on 20th October every 5 years to raise public awareness about the achievements of statisticians.

Celebration of National Statistics Day in India

It is commemorated with various events & activities like public lectures, exhibitions, online campaigns, seminars & workshops, competitions & contests.

"Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary a qualification for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write", HG Wells.