Monsoon Health Guide: Top 5 Tips

The monsoon season offers much-needed relief from the summer heat but it also brings several health risks. Here are five crucial tips to maintain your health in the rainy season:

Drink Plenty of Water

It’s crucial to stay hydrated even in this season. To prevent waterborne illnesses, choose boiling or filtered water.

Eat Fresh Food

The monsoon season increases the risk of food contamination. Avoid street food and ensure your meals are freshly cooked and served hot.

Maintain Personal Hygiene

Regular handwashing is crucial to prevent the spread of infections. Fungal diseases may result from wet clothes so make sure you stay dry and change out of your damp clothes right away.

Boost Your Immunity

Include immunity-boosting foods in your diet such as citrus fruits, ginger, garlic and turmeric. These help strengthen your immune system.

Protect Against Mosquitoes

Standing water from the rains often becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes, leading to spread of diseases like dengue and malaria. Use mosquito repellents, install nets on windows and ensure there are no stagnant water sources around your home.