Launched in 1993, Shanghai Metro is the longest rail network in the world. With 508 stations, the network is 831 km long.
The rail network in China's capital was launched in 1969. It has 394 metro stations, and the network is 669 km long.
Launched in 1997, Guangzhou Metro is the world's third longest metro rail network with a total length of 607 km. 8 million people use it daily.
The oldest rail network in the world is 402 km long, and it was launched in the 1890s. Only 42% of it is underground. 5 million people travel through London Underground every day.
The Eighth oldest subway in the world is 399 km long. With 424 stations, the New York City Subway is the world's most expensive metro system.
It began operating in 2002. The Delhi Metro rail network is 389 km long and boasts 285 stations. Annually, 900 million people travel through Delhi Metro.
The total route length of the Moscow Metro is 397.3 km. Its annual ridership is 2 billion. The network, launched in 1935, has a total of 236 stations.
Wuhan Metro is the eighth-largest rail network in the world. It began operations in 2004. The network is 339 km long with a total of 228 stations.
The rail network is 340.4 km long. It began operating in 1974 and has a total of 315 stations.
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