Killua's meeting with Gon changed his life. Although the two don't always see eye to eye, they find a way back to each other.
Light and L are two sides of the same coin. They fight for the same reasons, but they both have different goals.
From the moment these two appeared on the screen, it was clear that they would make a powerful duo. They bicker with each other all the time, but they always have each other's back.
The Elric brothers are inseparable. There's nothing they wouldn't do to protect each other.
Goku and Vegeta have one of the most iconic love-hate relationships. Although they have a rivalry, they make a great team. Ironically, their sons are best friends.
Genos, awed by Saitama's ability to kill anyone with a single punch, became his disciple. However, they both grew a friendship and deeply cared for each other.
Natsu and Happy never leave each other's side. If they do, it means one of them is in serious trouble.
Pikachu and Ash are the icons of human & non-human relationships in anime. Out of all his Pokemon, it's evident that Ash loves Pikachu the most.
Hyakkimaru and Dororo started with nothing. When they had nothing, they had each other. They both keep each other safe and alive.
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