8 Lifestyle Changes to Extend Your Life by Over 20 Years

Research by the US Department of Veteran Affairs suggests that adopting these simple 8 lifestyle changes can add 24 more years to a person's life.

Eating healthy

The study finds that eating a plant-based diet can raise your chances of living a longer life by 21%.

Being free from opioid addiction

Not becoming addicted to opioids was the second most important contributor to a longer life, reducing the risk of early death by 38%, the study found.

Avoiding cigarettes

Never using tobacco reduced the risk of death by 29%, the study found. However, stopping smoking at any point in life confers major health benefits, experts say.

Getting a good night's sleep

Getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night with no insomnia can reduce the risk of death from any cause by 18%.

Being physically active

Adding this one healthy behaviour decreases the risk of death by 46% from any cause when compared with those who did not exercise, the report suggests.

Managing stress

Stress is rampant in the US, with devastating consequences for health, experts say. Managing stress can reduce early death by 22%, the study found.

Avoiding binge drinking

Binge drinking is having more than four alcoholic beverages a day. The report says that avoiding binge drinking can reduce the risk of death by 19%.

Having positive social relationships

Being surrounded by positive social relationships helped longevity by 5%, the study found.