7 Things To Do If You Encounter Wild Animals

These days, the number of wild animals straying into cities has gone up significantly due to factors like loss of habitat, deforestation etc. Here is what you should do if you encounter a wild animal in the city or elsewhere.

Stay Calm

While our go-to reaction may be fight or flight, avoid making sudden movements. Don't run, or try to harm the animal, instead try to remain calm and move slowly, deliberately away from the animal.

Back Away Slowly

Remember to slowly back away while facing the animal. Do not turn your back or run, as this may trigger a chase response.

Give Space

This one is a no-brainer. Give the animal plenty of space and avoid approaching it. Respect its territory and natural behaviour.

Do Not Corner

Until and unless you have experience handling or capturing wild animals, don't corner or try to trap them. Allow the animal a clear escape route, if possible.

Avoid Eye Contact

Often, direct eye contact can be perceived as a threat by wild animals. Avoid staring directly at the animal and instead, keep your gaze low and avert your eyes.

Use a Barrier

If available, use objects such as a backpack, jacket, or umbrella as a barrier between yourself and the animal.

Do Not Feed

This one is for the animal's protection. Never feed wild animals as it can disrupt their natural behaviour and create dependency on human food sources.