7 Common Plants That Bring You Bad Luck


Cactus plants are known to enhance the living room's aesthetic; however, it is said that their prickly thorns release bad energy inside your home and attract misfortune.


Bonsai plants or artificially grown dwarf plants are considered inauspicious, despite being beautiful. It is said that they can hinder the growth of the family because they are stunted.


Mehendi plant is very popular in India especially because it is applied on hands during auspicious ceremonies. However, keeping it indoors is considered highly inauspicious.

Cotton Plant

It is advised that one must avoid the pretty-looking cotton plant as it brings bad luck and negative energy into the house.

Tamarind and Myrtle

Tamarind and myrtle plants are said to invite illness and negative energy inside the house. Since the plants are also associated with evil spirits, it is said that they should not be placed inside the house.

Gum Arabic Tree

Despite it being a healing plant, filled with medicinal properties, it is said that it is better to plant it outside the house to avoid any bad luck.

Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig has beautiful leaves and white blooms that help in removing dust particles from the room. However, it is said that the plant attracts negative energy in the home.