It is an ancient symbol of wealth and needs to be placed in the south-east direction of your home.
This attracts power and keeps negative energy at bay. It is advised to be kept in the south-east direction of the house.
This helps in increasing wealth and must be ideally kept in the kitchen or the house’s south-east direction.
These animals activate the house’s wealth area and should be kept in the southeast corner of the house.
It is a sign of longevity and abundance and it brings good health for all if kept in the south-east direction of the house or the dining room.
It is a symbol of faith and loyalty and helps protect one’s career if kept in the northern corner of the house. It attracts wealth if kept in the south-east corner and improves relationships when placed in the south-west corner.
Monkey as a Feng Shui piece helps in promoting innovation, and intelligence, improves creativity and boosts career when kept in the north direction. It attracts wealth when placed in the south-east direction.
It is symbolised as a ‘wish-fulfilling jewel’ and attracts positivity when placed at the entrance.
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