No, crystals cannot make money for you, it is your efforts which can fulfil your financial dreams. However, some experts say that crystals can be used strategically in manifesting the energy needed to achieve financial gains.
Pyrite, which is also called "fool's gold", helps in strengthening confidence and is said to show you how life is full of endless opportunities and abundance.
Throughout Chinese history, people have used green jade to attract both wealth and harmony. Jade is said to have a good effect on the nervous system and metaphysically on the wearer.
Clear quartz is one of the most well-known and ubiquitous crystals and helps people clear the clutter and get clarity in their intentions.
Malachite is a beautiful emerald-hued stone which provides strength and courage to transform any fears or doubts related to money.
Citrine is one kind of quartz crystal which is related to your solar plexus, as well as the area around and above the navel and below your lungs.
Tiger's-eye provides a protective field to you and your energy and helps in the law of attraction. It is said to have the unique ability to bring your energy back from all over the place.
When both the stones, emerald and ruby, are used together, they become a dynamic duo which opens the wearer to new experiences and keeps the person grounded and stabilised.
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