7 Astronomical Events Coming Up in August 2024

New Moon: August 4

The New Moon will occur at 11:13 GMT, providing an excellent opportunity for stargazing without moonlight interference.

Venus and Mercury Conjunction: August 7-8

Venus and Mercury will be nearby in the constellation Leo, with the closest approach happening on August 8 at 03:12 GMT. This event will be visible to the naked eye.

Perseid Meteor Shower Peak: August 12-13

One of the most anticipated meteor showers, the Perseids, will peak on the night of August 12-13. Under ideal conditions, you could see up to 100 meteors per hour.

Mars and Jupiter Conjunction: August 14

Mars and Jupiter will make a very close approach, appearing almost as a single star in the constellation Taurus. This conjunction will be particularly striking in the pre-dawn sky.

Full Moon, Blue Moon, and Supermoon: August 19

The Full Moon on August 19 will also be a Blue Moon (the third of four full moons in a season) and a Supermoon (when the Moon is closest to Earth in its orbit), making it appear larger and brighter.

Lunar Occultation of Saturn: August 21

The nearly full Moon will pass in front of Saturn, obscuring it from view for observers in Latin America, Africa, and parts of Europe. Others will see a close approach.

Large Planetary Parade: August 28

Six planets—Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn—will align in the morning sky. Most of these planets will be visible to the naked eye.