It is known that female black widow spiders eat their mates and sometimes their babies too. In a few cases, the mother also eats her own eggs, if she is stressed or the resources are scarce.
Hamsters are generally seen as gentle and cute pets but they also eat their own babies. Some female hamsters eat their own babies when they face some disturbances or if the female feels threatened.
Sometimes, female guppies consume their own babies when there are limited food resources or overcrowding in the aquarium.
Some kinds of Cichlids consume their own babies. As per some studies, they sometimes consume baby fish and more than three-quarters of their own eggs.
Among the Sand Tiger Sharks, while eating their own babies is rare, it is common to eat each other's siblings. Inside the womb, the weaker siblings are consumed by the stronger embryos and only a few are able to survive till birth.
Female praying mantis are also known for having cannibalistic behaviour. They are known to eat their mates after copulation and can also eat their babies if there is a scarcity of food in the wild.
Few species of frogs have cannibalistic behaviour and eat their own eggs, tadpoles or smaller members belonging to their own species.
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