7 Amazing Plants That Grow From Leaves

Plants can be grown from leaves much more quickly and with better outcomes than from seeds. Many plants can be propagated from leaves, making it an easy way to grow new plants. Here are some plants that can grow from leaves.

Jade plant

Cutting and planting the leaves of jade plants, then letting them dry for a few days before replanting, is an easy way to grow the plant.

Snake Plant

To root snake plant cuttings, place the leaf in a jar with clean water, put the jar in a lighted area, and change the water once a week. Plant the snake plant in wet soil once the roots have formed.

Spider Plant

Spider plants can also be grown from leaf cuttings. Take a healthy leaf off the main plant and soak it in water to allow the roots to grow and then transfer the cutting to moist soil.


Using a knife, cut a section of the cactus, and then wait two to three days for the cut end to dry. Plant the cutting in a container with cactus potting mix inside and drainage holes.  

Money Plant

Using 6-inch cuttings, remove the leaf closest to the cut end from the growing points. After a month of exposure to bright, indirect sunshine, place the cutting in a glass of water, observe any root formation and then plant the cuttings into potting soil-filled containers.  


From the outermost part of the aloe plant, choose a mature, healthy leaf and cut it close to the stem. After placing the leaf end in the pot, water it.  

African Violet

African violets can be grown easily from leaf cutting. Using a sharp knife, cut off a firm, healthy leaf and plant it in moist soil.