6 Ways to Protect Yourself from Air Pollution

Stay Informed

Be aware of the air quality in your area. Use apps or websites that provide real-time air quality updates, and plan your outdoor activities accordingly, especially during high pollution periods.

Turmeric Milk

Tumeric milk is a natural immunity booster and fights diseases naturally. It helps protect the lungs from the toxic effects of pollutants

Hydrate well

Water not only safeguards against dehydration but also promotes improved respiratory function. Adequate water intake maintains moisture in the lungs, bronchial tubes, and nasal passages, facilitating enhanced breathing.

Limit Outdoor Activities

When the air quality is poor, try to stay indoors and avoid strenuous outdoor activities. Choose indoor exercises or activities to reduce exposure to polluted air.

Use Air Masks

Wearing masks designed to filter out particulate matter can help protect your respiratory system. N95 masks, for example, are effective in reducing exposure to harmful airborne particles.

 Invest in Air Purifiers

Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters in your home to reduce the impact of the pollution. These devices can help remove particulate matter, allergens, and other pollutants from the air you breathe.