6 Ways In Which You Can Save Your AC From Exploding This Summer 

An "AC blast" means a fire or an explosion in an air conditioning (AC) unit. This can happen because of different reasons like electrical or mechanical failures, as per the officials. Here's what you can do to keep your air-conditioning safe. 

1. Regularly Change Air Filters

A clogged filter stops airflow because of which the AC has to work harder and it overheats. Hence, it is advisable to regularly change it. 

2. Keep Outdoor Unit Clean

Twigs, leaves and other kinds of dirt can block the condenser coils and decrease efficiency while increasing the chances of overheating. Hence, the outdoor unit should be kept clean. 

3. Ensure Proper Airflow

Keep the area around the outdoor unit clean and ensure proper airflow in the unit by not placing anything at least in the two feet area around it. 

4. Do Not Use An Extension Cord

Dedicated circuits are required in the AC units and hence, an extension cord can overload the circuit and eventually lead to overheating. 

5. Timely Maintenance

The air-conditioners should have regular maintenance by a qualified technician who can check wiring and loose connections, if any. 

6. Beware Of Unusual Signs In AC

Any odours or unusual noises can be a sign of some major issue in the AC unit and hence, one must notice such signals and take required action.