6 Foods to Avoid Before Going to Bed 

Source: Healthline 

Spicy Foods 

Eating spicy food close to bedtime keeps you awake and disturbs the sleep pattern. You may also feel irritation in your oesophagus as spicy food triggers extra secretion of acid.

Caffeinated Foods and Beverages

Caffeinated foods and beverages keep you awake too. It is good to cut off intake of carbonated beverages before going to sleep as it can also disrupt digestion. 

Fried and Fatty Foods 

Eating foods high in fat, like fried chicken and fatty meats, may contribute to poor sleep. Fried and fatty foods also disrupt digestion during the night. 

Acidic Foods 

One of the main reasons of disturbed sleep at night is the increased stomach acid production. To reduce it, it is better to avoid acidic foods, fast foods and other ultra-processed foods at night. 

Heavy Meals

Trying to fall asleep with a full belly is far from comfortable, and continuing digestion through the night requires energy. Eating larger lunches and lighter dinners tends to help promote sleep. 


Research shows that drinking alcohol before bed is more likely to keep you awake all night. Alcohol can also lead to snoring since it is a potent muscle relaxer.