6 Cheapest Pets That You Can Own
Here are 6 cheapest pets that you can own and make a good buddy.
Here are 6 cheapest pets that you can own and make a good buddy.
Many people lack the financial resources to care for an expensive furry friend. So, if you are looking for a pet and not looking for a dog, it’s a good idea to think about a low-maintenance pet.
One of the most peaceful countries, Japan has one of the lowest crime rate and reports of theft.
Canaries are wonderful caged pets, they sing, add colour and cheer to the owners’ home and have been one of the most popular pets for more than 500 years. Pet stores typically sell canaries for about $100 to $150.
Choosing a rat as a pet might seem a little risky but owners say the furry little animals are cuddly if handled from a young age. This social animal and clever creature requires a same-sex companion to prevent loneliness and despair.
Guinea Pig can be lovely pets as they are cuddly, engaging, and active. Once they settle down in their new environment, they are easy to handle and play with. A guinea pig costs around $25 to $50 on average.
Expect to pay less than $30 to raise and keep butterflies. Butterflies are one of the few pets you can order from Amazon and raise them easily.
Bettas are among the most popular pet fish in the world. They quickly learn to recognize their human companions and know when it’s time to eat, and are delighted when you come close to their aquarium. You can get Betta Fish for somewhere between $5 to $25.
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