The Republic of Mali is a landlocked nation in Northwestern Africa where the average temperature is around 23.83 °C (83.89 °F). In some areas, it can reach as high as 48 °C (118.4 °F).
Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa, where temperature averages around 28.71 °C (83.68 °F).
The Republic of Senegal, another country in West Africa, on the Atlantic Ocean coastline, experiences temperatures of around 28.65 °C (83.57 °F).
Tuvalu, formerly known as the Ellice Islands, experiences hot and humid days all year round with temperatures ranging around 28.45 °C (83.21 °F).
Tuvalu, formerly known as the Ellice Islands, experiences hot and humid days all year round with temperatures ranging around 28.45 °C (83.21 °F).
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