4 Magical Techniques To Get Rid Of Chemicals From Artificially Ripened Mangoes

Mangoes are one of the most awaited and popular fruits in summer. Due to such a high demand for the fruit, many times the mango producers use pesticides and chemicals to quickly ripen it and make it fit for sale in the market. Here are four ways to quickly remove these pesticides and chemicals from the fruit.

1. Saltwater

To remove chemicals from mangoes, one can soak the fruit in salt water for at least 20 minutes and then wash it thoroughly with water.

2. Vinegar Solution

Soaking mangoes in a bowl of water for 10 minutes after adding two to three tablespoons of white vinegar helps remove all toxins from the fruit.

3. Baking Soda

One can add baking soda to the water and soak the mangoes in the solution for 15 to 20 minutes to remove the chemicals.

4. Soak In Water

Let's say, you don't have time or the required materials to remove chemicals from the fruit. Then, you can simply soak it in water for five minutes, then wash it thoroughly under running water before eating. 


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