Edward Elric is the Fullmetal Alchemist. Like his father, he can perform alchemy without a transmutation circle. His determination, advanced alchemy and quirkiness make him the perfect protagonist.
Father, the primary villain of the anime series who originated from the Homunculus in a flask, is one of the most formidable antagonists in anime history. His greatest power is that he could control all the other Homunculi and prevent the alchemists from using their power.
Ed and Al's father, Van Hohenheim, is mighty, old and powerful, as he became a philosopher's stone when he was younger. He could perform alchemy without a transmutation circle and work around the law of equivalent exchange.
Although Tim Marcoh's character does not have combat skills, he knows how to create a philosopher's stone. He can also destroy a philosopher's stone when he comes in contact with a homunculus.
Colonel Roy Mustang practised flame alchemy, a rare and destructive alchemy in existence. His journey to power is one of the most incredible character arcs in the anime series.
Although she calls herself a regular housewife, Izumi Curtis is an alchemist, who is extremely skilled in combat. Her physical strength overpowers most of the characters in the anime series.
At the beginning of the series, Scar from Ishval was quite a trouble for the Amestrian forces. He performed alkahestry, a skill which even the Father cannot stop.
Alex Armstrong uses traditional combat alchemy. He uses his skills and his physical strength to defeat the Homunculus Sloth.
Alphonse Elric gets stronger as the story continues. However, his greatest strength is not his alchemy or power. It's his empathy.
May Chang might look like a little girl with small knives. But she practices alkahestry of the Eastern region. She can also heal wounds with her skills.
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