Little-Known Facts About the Moon

The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth. Here are some little-known facts about the moon you probably didn’t know:

The most widely accepted theory of how the moon was formed is when a huge rock the size of Mars crashed into Earth soon after the solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago.

While it is known that the moon causes tides in the oceans, it also makes the Earth move with each tide by several centimetres.

Moon experiences moonquakes which are caused by Earth’s gravitational pull. While they are much weaker than earthquakes on Earth, they can last up to half an hour.

Moon is slowly drifting away from our planet by approximately 3.8 centimetres each year, which may impact the length of the days on Earth by as much as an hour longer in 200 million years.

The moon has water on its surface. Ice has been found on the moon, trapped between the minerals and dust in the areas that remain permanently in shadows.